Financial services companies perform a variety of important roles. They support their clients through financial and investment advising based on their expertise and training. They may also manage, exchange or hold money on behalf of a client. The goal is to provide money management guidance that will ensure you can enjoy economic growth and security.

Thanks to the recession that lingered through the earlier part of this decade, financial services have had to work hard to regain their footing and the trust of their clientele. Most financial service companies today offer intermediary services and much more. They can be found in a variety of industries including insurance and real estate markets.

Moreover, financial services companies are not strictly independent agencies but may also be found in a variety of settings including banks, brokerage firms, credit card companies, asset management firms and more – it depends on the products they are offering to the public.

Banks can be either commercial or retail, investment or savings and loans, or credit unions. Each has a corner of the market from a different perspective and offers varying financial services to different types of clientele. For example, a retail bank or establishment would have a public audience and a corporate bank would speak to businesses and industry.

Insurance companies can offer products to indemnify life, health or property.

Securities or brokerage firms offer a variety of products that include such things as mutual funds and bonds, derivatives and other products that allow the investor to trade in debt and equity capital markets.

Asset management companies (AMC) invest clients’ pooled funds into securities that align with their stated financial goals and objectives. The benefit of an AMC is that it allows for a greater variety of investment options and diversification than other financial services organizations.

Finally, investment companies offer a wide array of product options to clients. These are then actively managed by a professional fund manager. Investment companies might come in the form of real estate investment trusts (REIT), mortgage funding, or capital funding for example.

If you are looking for a financial services company with experience and integrity, contact the professionals at ORT Consulting. Your economic well-being is our number one priority.