Commuting to and from work is not always the best part of the day. With traffic, accidents, road work, and crazy drivers, commuting can be very frustrating and can produce a lot of stress and anxiety. After a long day of work, that is the last thing anyone should have to worry about. The workday alone creates enough stress in and of itself. But this is the way it’s been done for as long as people have been going to work.

This changed in 2020 with the arrival of the Corona Virus. The disease spread across the United States and the rest of the world faster than any disease over the last hundred years. Social distancing practices were implemented in an effort to keep people safer. Masks had to be worn and people were asked to keep 6 ft. of the distance between other people. Part of the social distancing practices included shutting down businesses.


Restaurants had to close their dining rooms and provide take-out service only and office workers had to work from home using Zoom and Microsoft Teams in order to keep the wheels turning. This has been arguably the largest and longest implemented method of social distancing. This is not a major problem for some businesses but certain businesses like accounting firms require physical and personal interaction with one another. With social distancing rules still in effect, will the new way we conduct business going forward be via telecommunication and artificial intelligence, or will we be able to return to the office? Only time will tell.

2020 caught a lot of people unprepared. The health and safety of our family and friends were now under attack. The safety of our friends and family became the top priority of social distancing. Another top priority was the ability to provide for your family financially. Working remotely was the perfect middle ground for employees and employers. Working remotely can alleviate the commuting time, save on transportation costs, and in some instances, workers became more productive.

Employers can also save on costs related to office space, office supplies, and other overhead costs. The introduction of virtual office work and communication may have actually made life easier for some businesses and saved them a lot of money when the overhead dropped due to employees not being in the office every day.


Virtual firms tend to grow as technology does, as the firm becomes more reliant on tech advances to get the job done. From a client service standpoint working virtually can produce the same results as if the accountant is in the office. Clients can still rely on receiving top-quality service from accountants no matter where they are located.

ORT Consulting has made the proper adjustments to be able to continue to provide top-notch financial consulting services. Although the country is starting to open up, it is uncertain how long social distance practices will remain in effect. In order for accounting firms to effectively adjust with the times, remote work may become the norm for countless firms.

This means that ORT Consulting will be able to keep their clients included and informed about all of their accounting needs, even if they are not in the office. For more information about your taxes and financial situation, please visit